Jun 14 2014
Do you help care for a place of worship?
Saturday 28th June – The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. Founded in 1877, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Do you help care for a place of worship? Could you do with some additional support, help & training? Would you like to learn how to tackle common maintenance tasks to help avoid costly building works? Are you interested in volunteering to help care for your local place of worship? This project might be able to help you! Join us at Caistor Arts Centre and St Peter & St Paul Church to hear all about the project, and how you can get involved. Includes a free training taster session. There’s also a free lunch!! The event is free, but booking is essential. Please visit our website (http://www.spabmcp.org.uk/) to register and for further details, including the programme For further information please contact Project Officer Stella Jackson (stella.jackson@spab.org.uk, 07776 156274)
Caistor Arts Centre & St Peter and St Paul Church Programme
10.00 Registration
10.30 Welcome & Introduction (Stella Jackson)
10.45 Maintenance: What is it, and why is it important? (James Innerdale)
11.05 Maintenance Co-operatives: Project Background (Stella Jackson)
11.20 Tea & Coffee
11.40 Maintenance Co-operatives: How it might work in this area (Stella Jackson)
12.00 Question and Answer Session: An opportunity to ask about and discuss the Co-operatives Project
12.30 Lunch
13.15 Maintenance Audits: Training taster session at St Peter and St Paul Church on how to undertake an audit, and what to record (James Innerdale)
14.45 Dealing with maintenance Issues as part of a Co-operative: How Co-ops might successfully work together to deal with the issues recorded in the maintenance audit (Stella Jackson & James Innerdale)
15.00 Tea and Coffee
15.15 Question and Answer Session: An opportunity to ask about and discuss the care and repair of places of worship, and to feed back on the proposed Co-operatives project
15.30 Next Steps: How to get involved in a Co-operative, and who to contact (Stella Jackson)
15.45 Depart