Dates for your diary

10th Nov – (Mon) Scrabble Evening, 7.30pm, The Edge, to register interest contact Chris H
29th Nov – (Sat) An evening of delectable desserts, other info coming soon – see Nikki
30th Nov – (Sun am) – 1st Advent Preaching – Rev Jade Bath
7th Dec – (Sun am) – 2nd Advent Preaching – Nikki Coles
12th Dec – Take a Turn, Family Christmas Event, 6.00pm.  All groups invited – book your slot with Carol
14th Dec – (Sun am) – 3rd Advent Preaching – Andrew Gadd
21st Dec – (Sun am) – 4th Advent Preaching – Peter Ede
21st  Dec – Carol’s by Candlelight, 5.30pm led by Rachel (Music-Chris) – preceded by afternoon tea at 3.00pm
24th Dec – Christmas Eve Service, at Healing 6.00pm led by Jade
25th Dec – Christmas Morning Service at Keelby,  10.30am led by Tim (Music-Ruth, Laptop-Chris H, Stewards-Nikki & Roger)
28th Dec (Sun am) – Three French Hens Sunday, 10.30am Walk OR Café Worship