As you may be aware, 2015 marks 275 years since John Wesley delivered his famous sermon on ‘Free Grace’.

In 2015, Robin McEwen, who is a Local Preacher and Outreach Worker in Watford, Hertfordshire, celebrates his 60th birthday.  To mark this occasion, Robin intends to raise money via sponsorship, for the 3 specific charities shown below:

  • Kettering Hospital and Lincoln Hospital, Special Care Baby Units.  These units looked after Robin’s  grandaughter, Grace, who was born three months early, in 2014.
  • MIND – a mental health charity.  Robin has had two breakdowns and has had mental health issues for most of his life.
  • Hertfordshire Air Ambulance.  They sent a doctor to help Robin when he had a serious motorbike accident a few years ago.

For one week early in 2015, Robin will be travelling the country delivering a sermon on ‘Grace’ to every church that registers.   Because this a sponsored event, Robin is going to try to visit as many churches as possible, across the UK within the allotted time frame. It would be wonderful if there was a congregation, but as this may not always be possible, Robin will be happy to deliver his sermons to either the key holder, or, possibly an empty church!

Robin will be at Keelby Methodist Church on Thursday 19th March at 11.00am – please come and join us if you can.