Church in the physical – booking system

Numbers attending Church at Keelby for Sunday morning worship (2nd & 4th Sundays) are increasing, which is brilliant. The number of worshippers we can accommodate at Keelby Church is only 30, 8 of those will be taken by the Preacher, Organist,  Stewards and Door Stewards, which leaves us only 22 places. Therefore the Healing and Keelby Methodist Churches Leadership Team have agreed that we need to have a booking scheme, which is what a number of churches already have.

If you are intending to attend Keelby Church on the fortnightly Sunday Services at 10.30 would you please contact Melanie by phone or e-mail by 10am on the Saturday before the Service.  It is important that you make your booking as soon as you are able. We appreciate that your circumstances can change, if so please let Melanie know, if possible, as there may be a reserve list. If you do not have Melanie’s details please use

If you are ‘on duty’ there is no need to book, because we know you are coming!