Services and Events

For the necessary details to join any Zoom event, please email


  • December 20th 10.30 am Youth Service – joint service with Scartho Church (Zoom)
  • December 20th 5.30pm Carols on the Doorstep, organise an event with your neighbours
  • December 24th 6.00pm Virtual Carols by Candlelight (Zoom)
  • December 25th 10.30am Christmas Morning Service (Zoom) 
  • December 27th No service broadcast today – instead either the VINE service in your own home and/or a bracing walk with photographs please!
  • December 31st 7.30pm Church Family Quiz (Zoom)
  • January 3rd 10.30 am Jim Hudson (Zoom)


  • December 20th 10.00am Elizabeth Ede – Carols and Readings
  • January 3rd 10.00am Peter Ede