The Edge continues to be very well supported by many in the community. The Community Choir and the Craft Group, are among many different people enjoy our lovely facilities.
Due to a variety of things coming together however, we find ourselves very short on volunteers to help run the coffee shop and fear we may be forced to close temporarily or cut back on the service we offer. Could you help us? If we could get more folk willing to offer support on a monthly basis, we would be in a much stronger position to carry on. We need people willing to learn how to use the coffee machine, to offer to bake, to help serve and clear away and to take the orders. You would need to be available from about 10am to help get the rooms set up. If you could help in any way, please either reply to this post or simply drop in and chat to us any Wednesday morning. Any help ( even if only for an hour) would be very welcome. Thank you.