The Edge Coffee Shop

We are delighted to announce that The Edge coffee shop will reopen on Wednesday 2nd February serving top quality locally sourced coffee and a selection of bakes and cakes. We do hope you wil find the time to drop in for a coffee and a chat anytime between 10.30 and 12.30.  The Edge is a community coffee shop run by volunteers from the village and local community. We look forward to welcoming our regular customers back as well as some new friends.  If you’ve not visited us before, make a date  – Wednesday mornings from 10.30. We don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

Are you a knitter or do you crochet? Within The Edge, we have a group of folk who bring their current projects along and enjoy working on them over a coffee. Beginners welcome too – experienced knitters are on hand to give some advice and support if you need it.

We look forward to seeing you all on 2nd February.

Rachel & Liz

Christmas Services in our Circuit

Christmas Eve

St Christopher’s 5 pm – Crib Service led by Hazel & Malcolm Whitney

North Thoresby 4 – 6pm Pop into the chapel for a time of reflection, light refreshments

North Thoresby 6 pm – Carol Service in the Chapel led by Mr Graham Lawrance

Side Door 11:30 pm – Communion Service

Christmas Day Services

9:30 am

St Andrew’s – Service

9:45 am

Immingham Trinity – Service led by Terry Simco

10 am

St Christopher’s – Service led by Rev Neil Vickers

North Thoresby – Service led by Rev John Robinson    

The Haven –Service

10.30 am

Healing and Keelby – Service at Keelby led by Mark Lenton

Please Note: There is no Boxing Day Service


UPDATE: Thank you to all who came and masked up, gelled and distanced. Sorry we couldn’t dance, but we look forward to dancing in the future!


On  27th November at from 10am we will be having a CHURCH CLEAR OUT MORNING.  The more of us that come the less time it will take.  The coffee will be on!I have also sent this email to the Brownies and Scouts so that they can look at their belongs before this date. If you do run any group at Chapel please make every effort to attend.

Update: What a great turn-out and things are looking tidy and clean for Christmas. Thanks so much everyone.

Church Family Meeting – Tuesday 14th September

This meeting to held on Tuesday 14th September, is to discuss the future of the Keelby and Healing Church.
The meeting will be held in the worship area at Keelby as spread out as we can make it.  If the weather holds we will open all windows and doors too, making the area as safe as possible.  Please do make every effort to attend.

Worship at Keelby

Keelby Chapel will be open for worship each Sunday, at 10.00am.  We continue to distance and wear masks for singing etc. Coffee and tea will be available at the end of the service. These services will continue to be on Zoom each week too!  If you require the Zoom password please ask via If you are on our normal mailing list look in your inbox. The Duty Rota for Keelby, June to August and September to November are available bys link on the Church page of this website.