You are invited to join us on a local footpath walk on Sunday May 26th at 2 pm. We will meet at Healing Methodist Church car park for a walk of about 3-4 miles. All welcome to join us. Please contact Peter Ede 01472 883625 for further information.
May 08 2019
Come and join the friendship club, which usually meets up every First Monday of the Month at Keelby Methodist Church.
This month we will meet on Monday 3rd June at Lilly’s Tea Rooms at 12.30pm. Come and enjoy a relaxing afternoon tea with friends. If you would like to join us please contact Marjorie Ainley on 01469 560463 by Friday 24th May.
Monday 1st July 2019 – Dr Katy Hewis – Exploration of Bubbles
May 05 2019
Annual Church Meeting
Our ACM is to be held after the morning service on 19th May – both these events being at HEALING. Could our Church Secretary, Sarah P, have both your reports and suggestions for tithes by Wed 8th May please to Nominations for stewards are needed, please consider joining this vital team. For further information contact Chris H.
May 05 2019
The Edge Friendship Club
Come and join the friendship club, which meets up every First Monday of the Month at Keelby Methodist Church from 2.00 to 4.00pm. The cost will be £2.50 per session, which includes refreshment. This month we will meet on Monday 6th May – Making a Difference. We welcome Peter Ede who will share with us his experiences of helping individuals to run small businesses in underdeveloped countries through Lend With Care and assisting in providing basic water services to the Rutaka Medical Centre in Uganda.
May 05 2019
Quote from this Sundays service, thanks Howard
Christianity is not about learning to live within the lines, Christianity is about the joy of colouring. Mike Yaconnelli, Dangerous wonder.
Apr 15 2019
Beyond Holy week . . .
During the weeks between Easter and Pentecost we will be having a themed preach – ‘Talking Jesus’. Join in at any point.
- April 28th – Everyone Talking Jesus
- May 5th – What Motivates Us?
- May 12th – Living Distinctively
- May 19th – Our Story
- May 26th – God’s Story
- June 2nd – Go on Talking Jesus
Each service will be supported by a weekly Study group; Thursday at Keelby, 10.30am, Sunday Tea at Keelby, 5.30pm, Peter Ede’s home group on alternate Tuesdays, 730pm.
Also – Thy Kingdom Come – May 30th – June 9th a “Global wave of Prayer” .