Sunday Tea Bible Study

This group meets on a Sunday evening, once a month, from 5:30-7:30pm in the Edge and includes a light tea, followed by a short bible study suitable for all ages or bible knowledge. We next meet on 18th November. Please let Cheryl know you are coming for catering purposes.  Cheryl and Chris

Remembrance Sunday Service at Keelby

 Remembrance  Sunday will start with a service at the Methodist Church at 10.00am.  We aim to finish by 10.30 to walk up the Cenotaph for a 10.45 start.  We will observe the usual act of remembrance at 11.00am followed by laying of wreaths and placing of stones, before finishing with a hymn. We will walk back the Methodist Church for refreshments. 

Treats for Christmas

We regularly donate tins, dried foods etc to the Immingham Food Larder, for families who are struggling. With Christmas fast approaching we thought that we could perhaps bring some of the Christmas spirit to those families by donating extra seasonal treats such as Christmas puddings, tins of ham or salmon, mince pies, chocolates, special biscuits etc (always checking best before dates). We will also be supporting the Toys for Joy Appeal, which asks for donations of new or very good quality second hand toys, which can again be donated to local families this Christmas. If you feel you would like to donate something at this special time of you , please bring you gifts to Healing Chapel, Station Road, Healing, between 10.30am and 12 noon on Saturday 1st December. If you need further information please ring Angie on 507251 or Pat on
882544. Thank you.

Remembrance Service Sunday 11th november

Next Sunday we will start with a service at the Methodist Church at 10.00am sharp;  organisations should be invited to arrive at 9.45-9.50 to allow us to organise them to process their colours before we sing the national anthem. The service will look at the coming of peace and what peace means to us today.
We aim to finish by 10.30 having returned the colours to allow us to walk up the Cenotaph for a 10.45 start.
This will be a slightly different service to normal as we will sing a hymn and have a prayer, then explain about the stones that people have been painting.
We will observe the usual act of remembrance at 11.00am followed by laying of wreaths and placing of stones, before finishing with another hymn. We will walk back the Methodist Church for Coffee and Tea.


Come and join the friendship club, which meets up every first Monday of the month at Keelby Methodist Church from 2.00 to 4.00pm. The cost will be £2.50 per session, which includes refreshment. This month we will meet on Monday 5th November –

Spire Chocolates – a talk and tasting by chocolatier Lindsay Gardner

The Edge Bible Study Group

This group meets each Thursday at 10.30am, and began a new study on 25th Oct, entitled
Confused.Com or ‘All You Wanted to Know About LGBTQI but Were Afraid to Ask’.

Venue: The Edge. (The first of probably 4 sessions – so feel free to join them)