Sunday 23rd July

IMG_3761IMG_3738IMG_3728IMG_3720 Our service was on “God in the ordinary” and was half cafe worship, half activity based.  Well done Nikki for a really different mornings worship (and thanks for all the planning and hard work by all). Have a look through the gallery by clicking on a photograph below left and scrolling through.  If you really don’t like your own photo I can airbrush you out!


From the Methodist Conference

As a result of the referendum on 23 June 2016, the United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union. In this time of very significant change and uncertainty there is a need for leadership which seeks the common good and encourages people to work together, to respect one another and to uphold the dignity of all.

The Methodist Conference believes that the British Isles are enriched by diversity and celebrates the contribution made by those who have come from other parts of the world.

The Christian tradition calls for respect, tolerance, love of neighbour and hospitality to the stranger. All bear the responsibility of speaking and acting for healing, reconciliation, and mutual respect.

The Methodist Conference abhors and deeply regrets those actions and words which incite hatred and lead to the victimisation of groups within society and notes with concern that such actions and words have been normalised in recent public discourse.

Believing that racism is a denial of the gospel and that to stay silent when others are abused is to collude with those who seek to promote hatred and division, the Methodist Conference calls:

  • on the Methodist people to challenge racism and discrimination.
  • for a political debate which neither demonises any nor leaves the vulnerable (the foreigner, the immigrant and refugee) in danger of victimisation.
  • on political leaders to work together for the good of the whole community putting the needs of the nation before party politics.
  • on all those in positions of power and authority to hear the voices of those who have been marginalised and alienated and to respond to them in ways which offer real hope for the future.

The Conference encourages the Methodist people to join the campaign to wear an empty safety pin as a badge symbolising solidarity against racism.

The Conference directs that this statement be sent to the Prime Minister, to all MPs and to national media and that it be read in all Methodist Churches on Sunday 10 July 2016 or as soon as possible in July.

Proposed: The Revd Ruth M Gee
Seconded: The Revd Dr Stephen D Wigley
(Signed by 8 other members of the Conference)


Come and join our church beach party.  We will meet near the Leisure Centre Cleethorpes, where there are toilets and a cafe. Sunday 10th July at 10.30am. Bring a picnic and a bucket and spade. Should the weather be inclement ring Cheryl Hughes who is organising alternative arrangements.beach-


I invite you all to read the ecumenical report recently entitled a Church of the Poor. It challenges us to rethink the nature of the church and to truly follow in the role model of Jesus by real action. One quote from the report

A church for the poor? Not just a food bank for the poor, a debt advice project for the poor, a campaigning organisation for the poor, a financial literacy session, a cooking group, a gardening club for the poor… A church for the poor, where the holy of holies is rent open, where middleclass norms don’t prevail and exclude, where middle-class anxieties aren’t the driving force and the criteria for making decisions. A church where all are welcomed and embraced. A church for the poor would be challenging, disturbing, in a society that prefers to keep the poor at arm’s length, if not out of sight and out of mind.

Is that your desire?

A prayer from the report

Lord, in a world where the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer, we know that your kingdom is not being fulfilled. Renew us, inspire us, and teach us how to live out our calling. We will seek out those laid low by greed and capitalism, and we will lift them before you. We will fill the hungry with good things and help those with money and resources to use them for the good of all.

Is that your prayer?

Peter Ede


Come and join the friendship club which meets up every First Monday of the Month at Keelby Methodist Church from 2.00 to 4.00pm. The cost will be £2.50 per session which includes refreshment.

This month we will meet on Monday 4th July 2016. Rescue of a Siberian Tiger. A gentle illustrated tale by Kathleen Barnett about the experience of being an adoptive “mum” to a Bengal tiger, rescued from a squalid zoo in Belgium.

August 2016 – No meeting


Please note . . .

During June we are having “Home Team” planned preaching at Keelby on the subject of Servanthood.

  • 5th June – Peter Ede
  • 12th June – Rev Jade Bath HC
  • 19th June – Nikki Coles
  • 26th June – Elizabeth Ede