Lent Groups

Lent Groups are meeting:

Tuesdays, at the home of Peter and Elizabeth Ede, 48 Nicholson Road, Healing, 7.30pm
Thursdays, at The Edge, 10.30am
Sundays, led by our Anglican friends from St Barts, at The Edge, 3.00pm
Sundays, at the home of Chris and Cheryl Hughes, 6 Suddle Way, Keelby, 8.00pm

All the above groups are open to anyone of any denomination and all would be please to see you for all or part of the course.  They are all using the Faith at Work material written by Rev Mary Vickers.

Humber Bridge Charity Cross

Plans are afoot (ahem) for this year’s Humber Bridge Cross for Christian Aid, which is taking place on 10th May 2014.

The south side of the Humber has always been poorly represented in the event and churches across North & North East Lincolnshire are being encouraged all the more to take part.  The Bridge Cross is usually a ‘there and back’ saunter but you can make it more of a challenge by running or seeing how many times you can cross the bridge in 3 hours.

Let’s get a decent bunch of us from Grimsby & Cleethorpes Circuit doing the Bridge Cross this year.  If you are up for the challenge, contact Gill Thomas on taggiemax@gmail.com or 01472 276972 and let her know!

PS – we are also looking for Face Painters and BBQ-er’s for both sides of the bridge cross so if you want to share your skills, please let Gill know

Charity Saturday 8th March

We begin our series of charity Saturdays with MARCH MARKET on 8th March, 10 – 1.  Coffee, cake, tea and toast are available in the Edge and stallholders will be set up in the Schoolroom.  There will be the ususal raffle also.  Do come and browse or just have a cuppa with us.

A big thank- you for all the support, we raised £140 for the Skate park and will continue with other projects. Watch this space. 


Come and join the friendship club which meets up every First Monday of the Month at Keelby Methodist Church from 2.00 to 4.00pm. The cost will be £2.50 per session which includes refreshment.

This month we will meet on Monday 3rd March – The Ministry Story of Puppet Power.  Puppet Power from Grimsby Baptist Church shares their story including experiences in Africa and Romania, and will also perform for us.


Women’s Day of Creative Praise and Worship

Our aim is to provide an experience of joyful worship, joining women across the district in a day of creative praise.

Psalm 42:4b  “I walked among the crowds of worshippers, leading a great procession to the house of God, singing for joy and giving thanks amid the sound of a great celebration!

22nd March 2014, 10.00 – 16.00, Coffee from 9.30
Side Door, Laceby Road, Grimsby
Worship, Praise and Workshops, Speaker Deacon Debbie Marsh
£5 including lunch

For more information contact:-

Nikki  01472 883713    nikki59@hotmail.co.uk
Liz     01472 322072    jimandlizhudson@gmail.com
Margaret                      freemanmargaret@ymail.com 

Church Lunch and thank you – 9th March

We are holding a Church Lunch on Sunday 9th March from 12 noon.  We invite all church members to attend if possible in order to thank those who have been working in The Edge over this last year.  We are baking potatoes and asking members to bring something too,  please see the food list in the office.  The Edge volunteers are asked not to bring anything but themselves so that we can serve them for once!