Author's posts
Apr 25 2014
Open for Coffee
We invite you to join us for “Open for Coffee” in The Edge on Wednesdays 10.00am to 12.30pm . Looking forward to seeing friends old and new with us again.
Apr 22 2014
The Edge Friendship Club
Come and join the friendship club which meets up every First Monday of the Month at Keelby Methodist Church from 2.00 to 4.00pm. The cost will be £2.50 per session which includes refreshment. This month we will meet on Monday 5th to hear of Lincolnshire Plants and their Historical Uses (rearranged from previous month). Loretta Rivers …
Apr 17 2014
Good Friday Services
Apr 14 2014
Wolds Walking Festival May/June
There is a Walking Festival in Lincolnshire from 17th May to 1st June. Full details of all the walks can be found at Walks vary from very short, 2 miles, up to long, 15 miles. The launch event on the 17th May will be at Healing Manor Hotel and that day will include several local …
Apr 12 2014
Dairy Bread Food Larder
The response has been fantastic and the staff at CARE send their thanks and appreciation for the donations of food and chocolate, which have been very gratefully received. It is amazing how each donation and act of kindness will make a difference to families this Easter time. Graeme and Ann-Marie