Diary Sept to Dec 2024 revised

Please note there is no service at either Keelby or Healing on Sunday 1st Sept – the whole Circuit meets at Sidedoor, details below.


Diary Aug to Dec

All regular other meetings, events and lettings are on the Calendar page of this website.


The Edge Coffee Shop will be closed throughout August to give our team of wonderful volunteers a well earned break,

We will be open as usual next Wednesday, July 31st and reopen after our break on September 4th.

Thank you to all of you who support us so regularly and make Wednesday mornings such a success.


Sunday 14th July is Beach Sunday!!

Weather Update – WET DAY! We will be holding a service at chapel this morning. It will begin at 10.30am as that was our planned start time for the beach.


Will be on Monday 8th July, 7pm in The Edge

No experience necessary

Please contact Ruth if you wish to attend for the first time
