Category: Uncategorized

Prayer Course

I have been asked me to lead the course on Tuesday evenings. Theresa has kindly agreed to manage the IT issues. So the plan is to start the course on Tuesday 13th Sept. There will be 8 weekly sessions at Keelby  7.30 to 8.30pm. The course will be in the chapel and each session has …

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Prayer Afternoon

On Saturday August 13th, we will gather for corporate prayer at Keelby Methodist ChurchHopefully a few of you might be able to join us from 2-4pm?We will pray for everyone on the Church list again along with any situations around the village (Healing and Keelby) and within the life of the churches too. Please let …

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HKMC Annual Church Meeting

Our Annual Church Meeting is being held on Sunday 15th May at 12.30pm, at Keelby. For those attending church first it is suggested that you bring a packed lunch for yourself and we will eat over an extended Coffee Time after the service. Please do make every effort to attend this meeting. Also please consider …

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If you need to swap anything on the Rota please email those involved AND or this website will become incorrect. Thanks PREACERS – Should you need any help for your service, please contact the Duty Steward for your date. Thank you.

Happy Easter