Category: Uncategorized


Our next “ordinary” meeting with be on Monday 3rd February 2020 at 2.00pm and will be a talk by John Cottingham and Joy Croot on “the Story of our Big Year of Bird Watching”.

Covenant Service 12th January

This next Sunday we hold our annual Covenant Service, taken by our minister Rev. Neil Vickers. We celebrate all that God has done for us, and affirm that we give our lives and choices to God. The emphasis of the whole service is on God’s readiness to enfold us in generous love, not dependent on …

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Sunday 29th Decemver

Sunday 29th – Active or Reflective. Join us at 10.00am for a walk or a quiet coffee and reflection in the Edge. Noisy coffee when the walkers return.

Christmas Services 

Candlelight Celebration for Christmas Eve – Healing Methodist Chapel, Tuesday 24th December at 6.00pm. All ages most welcome. Christmas Day Celebration – Christ is born today!  Keelby Methodist Chapel – December 25th at 10.30am – All age worship Worship at Keelby Chapel – Sunday 29th December 10.00am.

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Carol’s in the Barn