Category: Uncategorized

The Edge Coffee Shop

The Edge Coffee Shop is open today (October 4th) sadly, this could be the last opening for some weeks. Due to illness, holidays and a lack of staff volunteers it may then regrettably be temporarily closed. The Keelby Community Choir will continue to meet at 10am on Wednesdays and the Craft group at 1pm. Is …

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Changes to our Keelby Diary

October 1st Covenant and Membership Sunday, a family lunch will be held following the service, please bring a packed lunch and cakes will be provided. October 8th – Harvest Festival – donations to be given to the food banks. If anyone available to dress the Church please get in touch with Melanie.

What a wonderful service. . .

We all had a lovely time watching our dear Tom Hart becoming Methodist Youth President recently, he has an exciting year ahead. Here he is with the President and Vice President of the Methodist Conference when they all visited Greenbelt Festival in August.

The Edge Coffee Shop

The Edge continues to be very well supported by many in the community. The Community Choir and the Craft Group, are among many different people enjoy our lovely facilities.  Due to a variety of things coming together however, we find ourselves very short on volunteers to help run the coffee shop and fear we may …

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An evening with . . .

Update . . .these young people are so talented, if you weren’t there, go and see them when you can.

Diary up to Nov – updated