Sunday Services

Keelby Chapel
Our Sunday Morning Worship is at 10.00am each week
The services will continue to be on Zoom each week too! If you require the Zoom password please ask via Please see our home page for further details.
The Rota has now been combined with our Diary and is available on our Home page.
Healing Chapel
Healing Chapel are open for worship from on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, at 10.00am
For Zoom Services ID, or any other information please contact
We look forward to welcoming you to our worship at Keelby. The congregation at Keelby are happy with many styles of worship. We are a relaxed and interactive Church family of all ages with a small Sunday Club.
The Steward for your service can be found in the Diary/Rota on the home page of this site.
Keelby has full use of technology; all songs are projected and can be chosen from books 1-5 of Songs of Fellowship. The more modern worship songs are favoured at Keelby, but we are happy to include older hymns, perhaps with a more modern arrangement. DVD clips and CDs are also able to be used and are covered by our licences, but if we could have these before the Sunday morning it would be helpful.
We also like to project our Bible readings, so if you could let us have your readings and chosen version along with your song/hymn choices. In addition, please let your Steward know if you would like readers from the congregation.
We politely ask that you have your full order of service ready and forwarded to your Steward by the Wednesday evening prior to your service so that all (including all you wish to be projected) can be passed on to the technicians and readers by the Thursday. If your Steward has not already contacted you, their name can be found in the latest edition of the Diary on the home page of this website.
We do like to have a block of worship, incorporating music/prayers etc early in the service by preference, and we would ask that you bear this in mind in your service planning. However, we appreciate that this may not fit in with the structure of your service, and will be happy to assist you in delivering your service as it comes to you as best we can, in any way we can.