Village Walk

You are invited to join us on a local footpath walk on Sunday Nov 10th at 2 pm. We will meet at Healing Methodist Church car park for a walk of about 3-4 miles. All welcome to join us.

Please contact Peter Ede 01472 883625 for further information.

Thanks to all who made donations to the Water Aid charity walk last month.  We raised £155.

Remembrance Sunday 10th November 

A joint service at St. Bartholomew’s (time to be confirmed) including an act of remembrance at the war memorial.

Church Family Games Night – Saturday November 16th 6.30pm

Come and share with your church family, bring your favourite games, nibbles and soft drinks. Coffee and tea will be provided.


Sunday 17th November

There will be no service at Keelby; instead we are invited to join with The Haven to hear their visiting preacher the Rev David Haywood. This will be followed by Sunday lunch, which must be booked in advance. If you intend to stay to lunch, then please sign your name on the sheet in The Edge before Wednesday 6th November. There is no charge for lunch but a donation will be appreciated.

Healing Chapel will have their morning service as usual at 10.00 am and all are welcome to join them to hear our own Peter Ede.



District Event