Healing and Keelby Church Garden Party

A party in a garden for all our church family. To be held this year at the home of Bemigho & Jite, The Ramblers, Chapel Lane, Asby-cum-Fenby. DN37 0QT,  2:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Don’t forget your bathers if you are inclined to take a dip!

Theresa is asking for volunteers to bake a cake for this event. . .if you are a baker please do get in touch with her. If you aren’t a baker, get in touch and tell her what you are buying to contribute?

World War One Centenary

I’ll be lighting my candle at 10.00pm tonight, join me?

Keelby Church Outing – 20th July

Healing will have a service as usual at 10.00am, but at Keelby we have closed the building for today.  You will find us on Cleethorpes Beach from 10.30am.  We are making “base camp” next to the Leisure Centre and there is parking over the road at the old Winter Gardens site.  We will have a sort act of worship at 11.00am and then its games, ice cream and sand in your sandwiches. Any age group welcome.  


Come and join the friendship club, which meets up every First Monday of the Month at Keelby Methodist Church from 2.00 to 4.00pm. The cost will be £2.50 per session, which includes refreshment.
This month we will meet on Monday 4th August 2014, ‘A Miller’s Tale’ by Jon Sass.  Jon will be giving us an insight into the life of old time millers and the hardships they faced.
Next month – Monday 1st September 2014, From Plot to Place – Ernie Brown of the Oasis Garden of Your Place in Wellington Street, Grimsby


Come and join the friendship club which meets up every first Monday of the month at Keelby Methodist Church from 2.00 to 4.00pm.  The cost will be £2.50 per session which includes refreshment.

This month we will meet on Monday 7th July – Brian Smith, local preacher and retired teacher, entertains us with  ‘Amusing tales of funny things that happen to folk.’
Next month – Monday 4th August – A Miller’s Tale, the life and work of millers by Jon Sass


Charity Saturday – SWAP SHOP

Saturday 5th July, 10am to 1pm, in The Edge as usual – SWAP SHOP & SOMETHING ON TOAST!  Bring along an item for the Immingham Food Bank (who we are collecting for) and we’ll swap it for a filter coffee or tea. You can also purchase something on toast to go with the drink- Beans, spaghetti or cheese.  Come and join us it’s always fun and will do a good turn for someone in need.