Churches Together in North East Lincolnshire Events

Events for this organisation can now be found on the Community page – just scroll down.


The 2013 shoebox appeal has started with some of us busy ringing schools, churches & associations encouraging them to join the campaign this year.  Collections will start the first week in November when the warehouse will be open to check the boxes.  The campaign has started off with a bang at the Charity Saturday where folks were invited to donate or bring items for a shoebox. 1 4 shoeboxes have been made up and some items are still in the prayer chapel which you can add to.  Also a total of £65 was donated.  There are a number of leaflets at the front of the church if you want to make a shoebox up.  For more information see:- Pat Cufflin, Liz Mosey, Melanie Dickerson or Keith Hands


Come and join the friendship club which meets up every first Monday of the month at Keelby Methodist Church from 2.00 to 4.00pm.  The cost will be £2.50 per session which includes refreshment.
This month we will meet on Monday 4th November 2013, to hear Kill’em or Cure’em,  a welcome return of Rod Fanthorpe with a fascinating insight into dubious remedies from Lincolnshire and other parts.


Our Praise Service will be at 10.00am and our preachers will be Andrew Gadd and Nikki Coles.  With our “enhanced music group” we are looking forward to some lively worship.  We invite you all to bring some food along and join us for a faith lunch afterwards.  Or if for some reason you can’t make the service, just come along for lunch, we’d love to see you (12.30ish).

Sunday Fun Day

A Sunday morning event for children of up to 10 years of age (under 8 to be accompanied by an adult).  To be held on Sunday 13th Oct 10.30am to 12 noon.  Crafts, stories, drama, refreshments.


The 2013 shoebox appeal has started with some of us busy ringing schools, churches & associations encouraging them to join the campaign this year. Collections will start the first week in November, when the warehouse will be open to check the boxes.  The campaign has started off with a bang at the Charity Saturday where folks were invited to donate or bring items for a shoebox. 14 shoeboxes have been made up and some items are still in the prayer chapel, which you can add to.  Also a total of £65 was donated.  There are a number of leaflets at the front of the church if you want to make a shoebox up. For more information see:- Pat, Liz, Melanie or Keith.