Midweek Communion

Diary Dec to Apr revised 9.1.2024

The Edge Coffee Shop

The Coffee Shop will be open as usual on Wednesday 20th December 2023, but will then be closed on Wednesday 27th December and Wednesday 3rd

January, reopening on Wednesday 10th January 2024.

Toys For Joy

(No title)

The Edge Coffee Shop

The Edge Coffee Shop is open today (October 4th) sadly, this could be the last opening for some weeks. Due to illness, holidays and a lack of staff volunteers it may then regrettably be temporarily closed.

The Keelby Community Choir will continue to meet at 10am on Wednesdays and the Craft group at 1pm.

Is there anybody who could help cover some of this period serving filter coffee tea and biscuits?

If you can help, please contact us at info@keelbyhealingchurch.co.uk This is a lovely community event and we should if we can keep it going. Supporting not only the community but Liz, Ern and Rachel who work so hard alongside other volunteers.


Absolutely delighted to say that, thanks to a group of volunteers who have come forward, The Edge Coffee Shop will remain open for business on a Wednesday morning. We will be serving filter coffee, tea etc and a small selection of biscuits and cake. Thank you to all who have volunteered. We look forward to seeing everyone next week.