We are compiling a bank of Keelby favourites. What are your top ten hymns and songs? Put in your selection, first line and author in the collection box in The Edge.
Category: Uncategorized
Jun 01 2019
June is Food Bank Month!!
Please help to support those in need in community by keeping our local food banks stocked with provisions. We are reliably informed that the following items are most needed: Cans of stewing steak, meatballs, ravioli, pasta shapes Canned vegetables such as peas, carrots, sweetcorn, potatoes, dried potatoes Dried milk and long-life milk Tea bags and …
Jun 01 2019
What’s going on
Thy Kingdom Come. This will take place between Ascension and Pentecost. It is to be a time of prayer for the further coming of God’s kingdom. May 30th – June 9th 2019 https://www.thykingdomcome.global/ Bible month This will focus on the book of Colossians as the theme for worship, and will take place on June 16th, 23rd, …
May 30 2019
New, Exciting, Informal and Interactive
Midweek worship for the summer months, “Pimms and Psalms” (non-alcoholic) Wednesday afternoons at 2pm (at Waltham Methodist Church) or Wednesday evenings at 7pm (at the Haven) June 12th, July 10th and August 14th. Led by lay pastors Liz Hudson and Nikki Coles.
May 24 2019
Cream Tea at Healing Methodist Church
Sat 8th June, 2-4.30pm Come and treat yourself to a cream tea with a scone, jam and cream or a cream cake. Only £3. There will also be a cake stall, plant stall and raffle . All proceeds will go to a medical centre in Rutaka Uganda, which has only rainwater from the roof to …