Services and Events

For the necessary details to join any Zoom event, please email


  • December 20th 10.30 am Youth Service – joint service with Scartho Church (Zoom)
  • December 20th 5.30pm Carols on the Doorstep, organise an event with your neighbours
  • December 24th 6.00pm Virtual Carols by Candlelight (Zoom)
  • December 25th 10.30am Christmas Morning Service (Zoom) 
  • December 27th No service broadcast today – instead either the VINE service in your own home and/or a bracing walk with photographs please!
  • December 31st 7.30pm Church Family Quiz (Zoom)
  • January 3rd 10.30 am Jim Hudson (Zoom)


  • December 20th 10.00am Elizabeth Ede – Carols and Readings
  • January 3rd 10.00am Peter Ede

Sunday 6th Dec – 2nd in Advent

This Sundays Zoom Service is with our lovely friend Bev Barker, please lookout for your sign in details, which will arrive Friday or Saturday. If you would like any friend or relative adding to our Zoom Service attendees then please let me know.

Amended Keelby Remembrance Sunday Service

Amended Keelby Remembrance Sunday 8th Nov 2020A service is to be held on zoom only, at 10.30am., due to the current COVID restrictions. This service is open for any to join by clicking on the following link:…Meeting ID: 813 1507 4540Passcode: 543876Or via phone Zoom +44 131 460 1196(This will be a ‘closed’ camera & microphone Zoom to protect participants)No service will be conducted at the memorial due to government restrictions. Members of groups and individuals can lay wreaths at the Keelby war memorial in their own time – Please maintain social distancing guidelines.

Toys for Joy

Remembrance Day

Church in the physical – booking system

Numbers attending Church at Keelby for Sunday morning worship (2nd & 4th Sundays) are increasing, which is brilliant. The number of worshippers we can accommodate at Keelby Church is only 30, 8 of those will be taken by the Preacher, Organist,  Stewards and Door Stewards, which leaves us only 22 places. Therefore the Healing and Keelby Methodist Churches Leadership Team have agreed that we need to have a booking scheme, which is what a number of churches already have.

If you are intending to attend Keelby Church on the fortnightly Sunday Services at 10.30 would you please contact Melanie by phone or e-mail by 10am on the Saturday before the Service.  It is important that you make your booking as soon as you are able. We appreciate that your circumstances can change, if so please let Melanie know, if possible, as there may be a reserve list. If you do not have Melanie’s details please use

If you are ‘on duty’ there is no need to book, because we know you are coming!