All-Age Quiz Night

Thinking SmileyKeelby Youth invite you to an All-Age Quiz Night, Saturday 21st February 6:30-8:30 in The Edge, Keelby Methodist Church.  Picture quiz, name that tune, sports round, general knowledge. Please invite friends and neighbours – we’ll create teams on the evening! Bring a soft drink or some nibbles.

A really good nights entertainment well done Chris, Cheryl and our youth for organising this.


Come and join the friendship club which meets up every First Monday of the Month at Keelby Methodist Church from 2.00 to 4.00pm. The cost will be £2.50 per session which includes refreshment.

This month we will meet on Monday 2nd February 2015 – Fun with Forensics – Dr Katy Hewis.  A welcome return of Katy as she explores with us fingerprints and forensic analyses.

Next month – Monday 2nd March 2015 – Five days in Cambodia – Nikki Coles

Charity Saturday – 7th February

Come have a BIG Breakfast to set you up for a day – cost £5, at The Edge, Keelby Methodist Church, from 10am till 1pm.
Money from breakfasts to Keelby Cat Rescue.  Please bring along a tin of cat food, some wool or old small blankets.
Money from raffle to “Medicine San Frontier.”
Thank you to all our faithful supporters.

Women’s Day of Creative Praise and Worship

Cross and heart1 John 4 v 19 “We love because God first loved us!” Women’s Day of Creative Praise and Worship, Saturday 14th February, 9.30am to 4pm. Speaker – Mrs Bev Barker. Side Door Youth and Community Church, Grimsby. £6 including lunch.   For more information or to register for a place contact Nikki Coles on 01472 883713 or e-mail at

Fish and Chip Club – Healing

Ten years ago our church in Healing recognised that there was a need for retired people to meet, eat and chat.  So they formed a Fish and Chip Luncheon Club, with about twenty four members.

They would now like to welcome members from Keelby, should they wish to join.  They have room for up to five new members, other members already attend from Laceby and Stallingborough.

They meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at Healing Methodist Church, Station Road (see map).  Lunch is at 12.15pm but people are welcome any time from 10.45am for coffee and a chat.  On the 3rd Tuesday there is an opportunity to attend a 20 minute informal service in the chapel starting at 11.15am.

Menu – Fish, fish cakes, sausages, chips and peas, supplied by Alexander’s Plaice.  Followed by dessert, tea and coffee, all for £3.

For more details contact Elizabeth 01472 883625 ( or Graeme 01472 506048 (

The Edge Friendship Club

Monday January 12th 2015 – Friendship Club’s New Year Meal at The Edge 12.30pm.

Next month – Monday 2nd February 2015 – Fun with Forensics –Dr Katy Hewis