Jun 14 2014
Do you help care for a place of worship?
Jun 07 2014
Charity Saturday
The first Saturday of the month is charity Saturday, and 7th June we are helping “the Potters Village” raising money for orphans and children. Come along to The Edge in Keelby (part of the Methodist Chapel) for coffee and croissant from 10 till 1.
May 25 2014
The Edge Friendship Club
Come and join the friendship club which meets up every first Monday of the month at Keelby Methodist Church from 2.00 to 4.00pm. The cost will be £2.50 per session which includes refreshment. This month we will meet on Monday 2nd J25une 2014. Join us for a relaxing afternoon amongst friends for chat, fun and delicious treats.
May 12 2014
Chris & Roger’s Walk
We are doing our annual walk soon and if any of you would like to support this years charity (Cancer Research UK) that would be just great. Just follow the link to the just giving site or give a donation to Cheryl or Carol. Thanks so much. Chris and Roger http://www.justgiving.com/Chris-Ede-2014/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=fundraisingpage&utm_content=Chris-Ede-2014&utm_campaign=pfp-share
May 01 2014
Charity Saturday!
Saturday MAY 3rd is our BIG BREAKFAST! At The Edge and Schoolroom, Keelby Methodist Church from 10am till 1.00pm. Proceeds will go towards Keelby Skate-park restoration. Table top sale and raffle. Contact Louise on 01469 560146 for further information and to book a table. Update: Thanks so much to all who supported this event, we raised £240.
May 01 2014
Testimony Service
A testimony service is to be held at Market Rasen Methodist Church on Thursday 8th May 7.00pm. Katie is one of those who is giving her testimony. It will be great to support her. The Chair of District will be giving the address.