Race for Life

Vicky Andrew will be running the Race for Life with two of her friends, Lisa and Billie, in memory of Angela in Cleethorpes on 18th May. Please support this worthy cause.  http://www.justgiving.com/Angelas-Angels-8-1-14

Bombay Bicycle Club

Bemigho & friends (Bombay Bicycle Club) are cycling from London to Paris from 23rd– 27th July in aid of St. Andrews Hospice. The goal is to raise £2500 for this worthy cause.  To donate go to youreventchildrenshospice.everydayhero.com/uk/team-bombay-bicycle-club-grimsby


Come and join the friendship club which meets up every First Monday of the Month at Keelby Methodist Church from 2.00 to 4.00pm. The cost will be £2.50 per session which includes refreshment.  This month we will meet on Monday 7th April 2014

Lincolnshire Plants and their Historical Uses.  Loretta Rivers explores how plants growing around our homes have been used, sometimes for medicines, but at other times for cleaning, keeping pests away and to provide lighting, furniture or food.

Charity Saturday

On April 5th our Charity Saturday will simply be a coffee morning and raffle, 10.00am to 1.00pm.  Do come and drink our coffee and eat cake or teacakes.  This month it’s a very different A street Kids piccharity.  We, along with others in the Methodist Church, are raising money to help two young teams from Nicaragua – one male, one female – who are attending the Street Child World Cup in Rio de Janeiro.  So for the price of a raffle ticket you could help change a “street child’s” life!

To learn more go to http://www.methodist.org.uk/mission/street-child-world-cup

Scrabble Club anyone?

Some members of Keelby are looking to start a Scrabble Club.  The first evening will be on Monday 24th March at 7.15pm.  They assure me it isn’t a serious intellectual meeting but more on the fun side!

Lent Groups

Lent Groups are meeting:

Tuesdays, at the home of Peter and Elizabeth Ede, 48 Nicholson Road, Healing, 7.30pm
Thursdays, at The Edge, 10.30am
Sundays, led by our Anglican friends from St Barts, at The Edge, 3.00pm
Sundays, at the home of Chris and Cheryl Hughes, 6 Suddle Way, Keelby, 8.00pm

All the above groups are open to anyone of any denomination and all would be please to see you for all or part of the course.  They are all using the Faith at Work material written by Rev Mary Vickers.