Testimony Service

A testimony service is to be held at Market Rasen Methodist Church on Thursday 8th May 7.00pm.  Katie is one of those who is giving her testimony.  It will be great to support her.  The Chair of District will be giving the address.

Annual Church Meeting

Our Annual Church Meeting will be on Sunday 1st June.  Following the service we will be sharing a meal and then follow on to the meeting.

Open for Coffee

Coffee Shop InteriorWe invite you to join us for “Open for Coffee” in The Edge on Wednesdays 10.00am to 12.30pm . Looking forward to seeing friends old and new with us again.

The Edge Friendship Club

Come and join the friendship club which meets up every First Monday of the Month at Keelby Methodist Church from 2.00  to 4.00pm. The cost will be £2.50 per session which includes refreshment. 
This month we will meet on Monday 5th to hear of Lincolnshire Plants and their Historical Uses (rearranged from previous month).  Loretta Rivers explores how plants growing around our homes have been used, sometimes for medicines, but at other times for cleaning, keeping pests away and to provide lighting, furniture or food.

Please support our Youth Church at this event on Easter Monday

An Easter Ex

Good Friday Services

You are all warmly invited to either or both of our Good Friday Services

Healing – a traditional service at 2.00pm

Keelby –  this service will take the form of meditative reflections and tableaux around the stations of the cross, 6.30pm

All are most welcome.
