Carol Hoyes

Author's posts

Charity Saturday – 7th February

Come have a BIG Breakfast to set you up for a day – cost £5, at The Edge, Keelby Methodist Church, from 10am till 1pm. Money from breakfasts to Keelby Cat Rescue.  Please bring along a tin of cat food, some wool or old small blankets. Money from raffle to “Medicine San Frontier.” Thank you to all our …

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Women’s Day of Creative Praise and Worship

1 John 4 v 19 “We love because God first loved us!” Women’s Day of Creative Praise and Worship, Saturday 14th February, 9.30am to 4pm. Speaker – Mrs Bev Barker. Side Door Youth and Community Church, Grimsby. £6 including lunch.   For more information or to register for a place contact Nikki Coles on 01472 883713 …

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Fish and Chip Club – Healing

Ten years ago our church in Healing recognised that there was a need for retired people to meet, eat and chat.  So they formed a Fish and Chip Luncheon Club, with about twenty four members. They would now like to welcome members from Keelby, should they wish to join.  They have room for up to …

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The Edge Friendship Club

Monday January 12th 2015 – Friendship Club’s New Year Meal at The Edge 12.30pm. Next month – Monday 2nd February 2015 – Fun with Forensics –Dr Katy Hewis 

Open for Coffee – a thank you to all.

Those of you who support “Open for Coffee” have raised the following: The British Heart Foundation – £182.00 St Andrew’s Hospice – £234.00 Canine Partners – £344.86 Macmillan Cancer Support – £277.94 The British Legion – £286.11 Humber Seafarers Service – £129.48 Church Funds – £319.13 Well done to everyone, especially the team baking and …

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Our Circuit Appeal which will be commencing Monday 25th November. The churches are invited to collect cash and kind so that we can send a container to Bishop John Yambasu of Sierra Leone United Methodist Church. The Bishop is excited that we are helping him in his huge task as he is leading a team to fight the disease.  Our appeal secretary will …

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