Easter Celebration Service

This Sunday, 31st March at Keelby Methodist Church, led by Revd Jade Bath. The service starts at 10am and we will be serving coffee and eating chocolate after the service in The Edge.

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Knitted Bible week

Here is the confirmed information for the week of the Knitted Bible Exhibition at Keelby Chapel.

  • Saturday 16th – Afternoon tea in the Edge from 4pm cost £8 per person and needs booking with Nikki  at nikki59@hotmail.co.uk
  • Keelby Community Choir concert begins at 7pm at Chapel, tickets are on sale now costing £7 and £1 including refreshments. Tickets from Ruth hkmcchurchcommunitypastor@gmail.com or Carol  info@keelbyhealingchurch.co.uk 
  • Sunday 17th Keelby’s Methodists morning worship is at 10am
  • At 3pm we have a “Songs of Praise” at chapel, co-hosted by our friends from St Bart’s
  • Monday 18th – the exhibition will be open from 10am, in Keelby chapel hall, closed for 2hrs in the afternoon to allow Keelby Primary school to visit.  Exact times to be arranged.
  • At 7pm there is a Ukulele Workshop in the Edge – led by our friend Brian Evans. Come along and learn a new song and a new skill.  Book ahead at info@keelbyhealingchurch.co.uk  to ensure handouts available. We are asking a donation of £2 to cover costs.  Bring a ukulele if you own one.
  • Tuesday 19th – The exhibition will be open from 10am to 7pm.
  • Wednesday 20th – The exhibition will be open from 10am and all kinds of crafts will be available for you to try your hand at and on display.
  • 11am Words & Art – faith based images on disply and a chance to paint/write based of one of the Kitted Bible stories.
  • 7pm will see an evening of meditation led by Rev Jade Bath, based around some of the scenes from the exhibition.
  • Thursday 21st _ The exhibition will be open from 10am, but again closed for 2hrs in the afternoon for a second school visit. It will then be open until 5pm.
  • From Monday to Thursday the edge coffee shop will be open from 10 am till the close of the activities – reasonably priced light lunches will be available from 12 till 2, but hot drinks and sweet snacks will be available throughout the day.

Diary to Easter revised

Sunday 11th February

Our morning worship this week is led by Nikki Coles and will be Cafe Worship, so please make your way straight to the cafe. This will be at 10am followed by Coffee. The building will then remain open until 4pm for prayer, serving soup over lunch time. This is Keelby beginning the Prayer Vigil across the Methodist Circuit every month during 2024.

Later in the day there will be a service of praise, worship and Holy Communion with music by Re:formation at Side Door at 6pm, with Rev Jade Bath. Re:formation are a worship band with members from across the Circuit and beyond, who love making music to praise the Lord. “It’s part of our formation as Christians, and the line-up keeps changing – hence our name!” 

Service of Praise – Sunday 11th Feb at Side Door

There will be a service of praise, worship and Holy Communion at Side Door Church, Laceby Road, Grimsby on February 11th at 6pm, preacher is Rev Jade Bath. 

Music is by Re:formation, who are a worship band with members from across the Circuit and beyond. They love making music together to praise the Lord. It’s part of their formation as Christians, and the line-up keeps changing – hence their name!